Group 4 – Writing exercise – Grade 5, 6+1 – Compose & Create 

Facilitator – Crystal Flegel, Notetaker – Carolyn Garnier, Presenter – Leanne Matthes, Robyna Janke, Nicole McCracken


Demonstrate a variety of ways to communicate understanding and response including illustrated reports, dramatizations, posters, timelines, multimedia presentations, and summary charts.

Indicators for this outcome

(a) Consider which form (e.g., drama, drawings, dance, diagrams, music, three-dimensional objects, posters, cartoons, maps, graphs, photographs, pictures, charts, and videos) is most appropriate for various tasks and identified purposes.

We will present the topic of climate change to the students, they will be split into small groups of 5. They will be assigned a certain form (poster, graph, 3-D model etc.) to present their information with.

The students will be asked to pick a sub topic to climate change.  

Within their groups, they will brainstorm ideas and write them out on a graphic organizer.

The students will be told to focus on the 6 traits as they put together their presentation (+1).

They can use them as a guideline to ensure they are getting the right message to the right audience.  They can use these as a self assessment strategy.

Students will revise their writing work, using these 6 traits, before completing their final presentation piece.  

Our end goal is to have the students presenting good, clear information on their chosen sub-topic of Climate Change.

We will incorporate the 6 + 1 into the rubric for consideration, and perhaps request peer evaluations be completed. 

→ This is as far as we got with the time that we had.  🙂

Subject/Grade: 5                           Lesson Title: Climate Presentation                              Teacher: Mrs. FlegelEnglish Language Arts
Stage 1: Identify Desired Results
Established Goals: (Learning outcome/s & indicator/s from curriculum)
CC5.2Demonstrate a variety of ways to communicate understanding and response including illustrated reports, dramatizations, posters, timelines, multimedia presentations, and summary charts.Indicators for this outcome(a)Consider which form (e.g., drama, drawings, dance, diagrams, music, three-dimensional objects, posters, cartoons, maps, graphs, photographs, pictures, charts, and videos) is most appropriate for various tasks and identified purposes.
Understandings: (can also be written as ‘I Can’ statements)Students will understand…I can read, research and understand materialI can use a graphic organizeri can compose grade level sentences with correct spelling and grammarI can put together information in a way that makes sense to the readerI can recognize appropriate vocabularyi understand the different components of writingEssential Questions:Why are stories important? What can we learn from them?How does a writer grab and keep a reader’s attention?What makes a good story?How can I tell my story best?
Students will know…How to write sentences, paragraphs.How to use vocabulary.The different components of informative writing.How to plan and organize writing.How to brainstorm word and languageStudents will be able to…to use a variety of tools and resources to access ideas and informationcreate language with a purpose, including facts and details that focus the readeruse simple compound, complex sentences with a variety of sentence lengths and structuresuse a dictionary and thesaurus