Names: Leanne Mathes, Carly Hozjan, Sadie Quibell, Carolyn Garnier
Read the book Swift Fox All Along by Rebecca Thomas here
- Brainstorm some word work activities you could do based on this book. Include activities for spelling, vocabulary, grammar and handwriting.
Spelling: Students choose spelling words for themselves out of the book
Vocabulary: Make a list of words from the story that are cultural words and “nature” words: nsim, sweetgrass, smudge, Mi’kmaq, pebbles, etc.
Grammar: Write complete sentences describing what makes you you, discuss the words as they are typed in the text and how they are pronounced → “Wha-sa-matta-with-ya, child?”
Handwriting: Letters to family members
- Choose one or two ideas and further develop into a classroom activity. Try to include multiple literacy modes in the activity – reading, writing, talking, listening, representing and viewing.
In your description include the grade the lesson is for, the outcomes from the curriculum you would be working on, notes about differentiation and a detailed description of what the students and teachers would do.
Classroom Activity: Letters to family (do you have anyone in your family that you do not know very well? Could you write those family members a letter about yourself and different family traditions that you practice that are unique to you?)
Grade 2: Outcomes
Comprehend and respond to a variety of grade-level texts (including contemporary and traditional visual, oral, written, and multimedia) that address:
identity (e.g., Just Watch Me)
community (e.g., People and Places)
social responsibility (e.g., Friendship) and make connections to prior learning and experiences.
Compose and create a range of visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore:
identity (e.g., My Family and Friends)
community (e.g., Our Community)