Restorative Justice Pedagogy

Harm –> Accountability –> Engagement = Relational Understanding|
Assumed vs Expressed needs <– Open Dialogue Creates Understanding
Settlement, Safety, Security

Restorative Justice Pedagogy in the ESL Classroom: Creating a Caring Environment
to Support Refugee Students
by Greg Ogilvie and David Fuller

Teaching the Immigrant Child

Teaching the Immigrant Child: Application of Child Development Theories

LesPlan is a great resource for practices and tools. The Circle of Learning, and reflective journaling are shared, as well as tools like this;

Invitation and Hospitality

“When a student is understood holistically, a teacher does not only invite the student, but the student and all the student’s relations, into the classroom space. This means inviting who the student is (rather than who the teacher would like the student to be) which in turn means getting to know who the student is in a holistic way (rather than making assumptions about who the student is based on dominant, racialized categorizations and stereotypes).”

“A relational approach to decolonizing education: working with the concepts of invitation and hospitality” by Fatima Pirbhai-Illich and Fran Martin, Oct 2019

Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl | TEDxLafayette, 2015