I believe that there is great responsibility that comes with the right to formally educate children.

I believe that every person deserves to be heard.

I believe that healthy encouragement is key.

I believe that in order to teach children how to live an honest, considerate, thoughtful, and respectful life they need to see these traits being practiced regularly.

I believe that the words we use matter.

I believe that everyone should feel safe and welcome.

I believe free play is important.

I believe that parents and teachers can best support children when they work together.

I believe that consistency, reliability and routine are important when demonstrating to children how to become effective and productive in life.

I believe that moments of gratitude should be taken.

I believe that listening happens first.

I believe that learning should be child driven.

I believe that communication is a two way street.

I believe that creating an environment what a child has a sense of belonging and feels welcome is a teacher’s first priority.

I believe that drummers should drum.

I believe that a safe and inclusive community is imperative at school.

I believe gender is fluid, and that students need to work through their own journey toward self-definition within a supportive environment.

I believe that top students deserve inclusivity too.

I believe children need to be made aware of their intentionality, then encouraged and supported along their journey through recovery and onto mastery.

I believe that the teaching materials used should reflect the audience that they serve.

I believe I can help to create a community of learners, where everyone can rise to the top.

I believe that as an educator I am responsible to demonstrate an open-mindedness and tolerance in the area of religion.

I believe a teacher should facilitate the students’ learning process and work to satisfy their curiosities without bias.

I believe that every person has something they need to express, and that teachers have a fantastic opportunity to help students to identify their message or find their medium.

I believe that every child matters.