Names: Shana, Kristin, Leanne, Hayley, Nikki, Jessica B, Sadie

Principle that will guide your philosophy of assessmentExamples of principles: practices, strategies, tools
Literacy is experiential Create real-life situations in class (grocery store, restaurant, etc.) where various forms of literacy need to be used (creating menus, flyers, etc.)
Assessment needs to be diverseRubrics, exit slips, ect. 
Land Based Learning/ LiteracyExploration, field trips, listening/learning from others, learning from environment, Verbal, regrouping and discussing.  
Inquiry led assessmentStudents retelling of text,  choosing how they present the information they learned. Student based lessons.
Historically responsiveIdentity,skills, intellect, critically
Literacy is multimodalUse technology, text, audio, and other visual tools