I believe that digital citizenship fits into most of the Sask. Curriculum. I was looking into the grade 5 and 6 ELA outcomes and indicators. The outcome: Comprehend and respond CR5.1 has to do with identity, community, and social responsibility. CR6.1 outcome is making the community a peaceful place. So the learners would be learning about themselves, their identities, their social skills, their communities, and their responsibilities as people. Digital etiquette is the process of learning about themselves, the conduct and procedures of being a responsible person. It has to do with being friendly on line, learning rules, and academic goals. Digital communication and collaboration and digital fluency also fits into the grade 5 & 6 outcomes and indicators. It would help the learners with reading, writing, spelling, and grammar. Digital citizenship is important for all students as they get into the higher grades because the more online literate they become the more it will help with any or all subjects. It would make some assignments more fun, and more interactive. This day and age we need to be introducing proper use of technology in our schools because it is a technical world now so might as well get familiar with it.
I would use technology in my classroom, it is something I need to get familiar with as well because I am not 100 percent technically inclined but I enjoy learning. All learners need to learn the good, the bad, and then ugly of technology. They have to know its ok to use it but they also need to know the responsibilities that comes with it. We have to teach them to be healthy and responsible digital citizens.
Digital citizenship is the ability to navigate our digital environments in a way that’s safe and responsible and to actively and respectfully engage in these spaces. Although we live and interact in the digital world in a similar way to the offline world, we’re not always as mindful of our actions online. (mediasmarts, 2023)