So I looked up Mrs. Olivia MacDonald and she wasn’t easy to find in our virtual world. I searched her name on google and nothing came up of the Olivia we know just some random people popped up. I finally just went on their facebook, looked through it and I found that she’s happily married, has children and grandchildren. Olivia is currently in university and is almost done her classes for her bachelor of education degree. She also has a teaching job already and starts the first week of April. Olivia also has a twitter and both of her social media platforms are very professional and respectable. She gives off good vibrations and shares encouraging posts.
If any employer looked into Olivia they would come to the same outcome as I did. I would have no problem hiring this individual if I was to base it on their online footprint.
I have to mention that I don’t really agree with checking on possible employees social media because sometimes we go through hardships and brokenness that we share on our personal pages and it is not right to hold it against someone who is applying for a position in any work space. Maybe what could be done is have a contract written up to keep a clean and positive online life after hiring because we are only human and we do make mistakes but we should not be held there at our mistakes because we should be able to learn from them and have a chance to get better.
Olivia is awesome, and hard-working She is an awesome lady! , energetic woman!
I agree with your post Leona, about after contract signing to maintain a clean social media lifestyle because we do tend to express our thoughts -good or bad! Also, it is an individuals personal thoughts and based on hiring, I would look at their social media lifestyle but not base their credentials just on that, I would also look at their resumes, and check in on their references they have provided. Lastly, Olivia is absolutely awesome and she is a caring, loving person because she tells us every time we see her in class that she loves us all.