Networked Professional Learning

By | March 30, 2023

This was a very interesting class, I got a lot out of it. I am feeling more and more comfortable with technology but I still have some ways to go into understanding some components of the digital world.

E portfolio blogging: I enjoyed this part of our class, I have to be honest and say I had no clue what blogging was but I enjoyed learning. I really like playing around with what type of e portfolio blogging home page I wanted at the end I chose one that seemed cute, cozy, and easy to work with. I believe I added to every aspect of our blogging assignments and I updated pretty much on time except for a couple posts give or take but I wasn’t very late with updating. I attempted to comment and encourage my classmates as much as I can, this part was difficult because there was a limit of who actually updated or not. None the less I left my messages on the ones who participated. Everyones blogging pages looked nice and professional. On line e portfolios is a nice idea and I plan to keep my portfolio open, I just need to make some changes and make more about my professional life after you give me a mark that is.

Twitter; I tried to keep up to date with my twitter feeds as much as I possibly could. I retweeted, shared posts with the #edtc300nsitep group, and I left messages where I thought seemed fitting, and also shared posts I believed fit the groups learning projects. I shared and sent inspirational quotes for the groups because we were all feeling that end of the year burn and retweet posts that I liked for myself. I believe I followed everyone from our group and I also followed educational pages and teachers from all across the world that had some advice to give to other teachers. I like how open some are and some messages were what we go through in our neck of the woods. Twitter is a nice plate form to use because it has the up to date news most individuals need to know anyways. I believe I will continue using this social media plate form just to keep up to date with everyday life things.

Discord; I kept up with the message on discord and I commented when one of our edtc300 group needed help. I also asked questions when I needed to and got instant help from Gabe I appreciated that. My dirty screen on my laptop you can tell it was in use lol. Discord is a nice platform too and it was nice to go there and ask for help from the classmates. I do not know if I will use discord but it is something I can consider once I get the hang of things in my classroom. It would be a nice way to communicate with my students.

This class opened many ideas in my brain thats for sure. It was good but I have to say It was challenging a bit because there wasn’t a steady participation so commenting and sharing ideas was sorta hard. Thank you!

My summary of learning video. I had a fun time with making all the videos I did. It was a learning curve for me but I did it and Im always proud of what I do and did because I did it on my own and it surprises me sometimes of what I was actually capable of.

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