My Project

By | January 20, 2023

Hello my fellow blogging classmates, for my learning project I have decided to learn the Dene language. This is something I have desired for a long time. I believe the Dene language to be a beautiful language and I would love to understand it and speak it. I have downloaded the app on my phone and I have started to listen to some of the common words that I would like to learn already. I think I will set my goal to maybe 10 words by the end of this project because I do not want to rush this learning opportunity for myself as it is something I actually want to learn. I will also be learning and experimenting with technology as I go because I want to take and upload videos of myself saying the actual word that I am learning and technology is something I have a love/hate relationship with. This is also a good skill to have as I enter into my teaching career because on of my goals is to bring back our Cree language so as I am teaching myself Dene I will gain the skills of how to come about teaching the Cree language to my students. So it is a win/win project. I am currently making a list of the words I will be learning and I will upload when I have it ready. Let’s see how this goes.

2 thoughts on “My Project

  1. Gabriel Andrews

    Hi Leona,
    This looks to be a great learning project that will be functional in many ways. I look forward to seeing you learning journey.

  2. Olivia MacDonald

    Wow! This is awesome! Good for you my friend. I did try saying a few words and it is one tough language. I believe you can do it!


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