Category Archives: learning project

learning project #3 Family

Family, is so important. On our last week break I spent one week with my parents in Prince Albert not for a fun get away but for emergency purposes. My dad was super sick and had to be sent out from Pinehouse. My dad was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and to be honest about… Read More »

2nd attempt, 2nd word! Another attempt at posting my video, Please let me know through our discord group if it didn’t post. Technology right?

second word

1YZ60xqT5nyF7OolzDY4jWa2y7hoEF0pX Hello #edtc300nsitep classmates, man this technology hey? I am trying out so many things, trying to upload a video because I want you all to hear the word as well as me trying to say it. I finally got the screencastify going and I uploaded my video to my YouTube channel Yaht lol. I… Read More »

First word

So on my last blog I introduced my learning project, which is that I am attempting to learn Dene words. Today I am sharing a picture of the word I chose to start with and that word is hello. I thought I would choose words that are most commonly used in every language and those… Read More »

My Project

Hello my fellow blogging classmates, for my learning project I have decided to learn the Dene language. This is something I have desired for a long time. I believe the Dene language to be a beautiful language and I would love to understand it and speak it. I have downloaded the app on my phone… Read More »


First time blogger, this afternoon I am fumbling around with my ePortfolio and blog. I am still so fearful of making a mistake as I mentioned in my first blog, I am not a tech person. It sorta gives me anxiety, but I am always willing to learn. I changed the look of my ePortfolio… Read More »