Category Archives: Uncategorized

Networked Professional Learning

This was a very interesting class, I got a lot out of it. I am feeling more and more comfortable with technology but I still have some ways to go into understanding some components of the digital world. E portfolio blogging: I enjoyed this part of our class, I have to be honest and say… Read More »

Learning project #7

I really enjoyed doing my learning project, teaching myself how to say dene words was fun. I wish I had an actual dene speaking person teaching me, I think I would have learnt a lot more than I did. I believe the dene language is a beautiful language. I admire how the dene youth and… Read More »

Learning project #6

For my 6th learning project word I thought I would do computer since this is a technology class. I used my screen record on my phone than I put it into my Canva poster. I hope the recording works. I had fun with this learning project I wish I had put more time into learning… Read More »

Learning Project #5

My 6th word for my learning project is teacher. I am having fun with this learning project. I am remembering some of the words but I still have to work on pronunciation and memorization. I love the dene language.

Cyber Sleuth

So I looked up Mrs. Olivia MacDonald and she wasn’t easy to find in our virtual world. I searched her name on google and nothing came up of the Olivia we know just some random people popped up. I finally just went on their facebook, looked through it and I found that she’s happily married,… Read More »

Digital Citizenship and Saskatchewan Curriculum

I believe that digital citizenship fits into most of the Sask. Curriculum. I was looking into the grade 5 and 6 ELA outcomes and indicators. The outcome: Comprehend and respond CR5.1 has to do with identity, community, and social responsibility. CR6.1 outcome is making the community a peaceful place. So the learners would be learning… Read More »

Learning Project #4 For my learning project I fiddled around with Canva. I had a good time playing around with different apps too but Canva had a part where I can post a video and write a little something almost like a power point. I think I will look into the website and app a bit more… Read More »


First time blogger, this afternoon I am fumbling around with my ePortfolio and blog. I am still so fearful of making a mistake as I mentioned in my first blog, I am not a tech person. It sorta gives me anxiety, but I am always willing to learn. I changed the look of my ePortfolio… Read More »

First Blog

I am a Northern Saskatchewan Indigenous Teacher Education Program student #NSITEP. I am in year 4 and 3 classes away from obtaining my Bachelor of Education Degree. I am both excited and scared because once I am done it becomes real meaning its not practice anymore I am going to have to plan, prep, and… Read More »