Hello, my name is Lily Jacobs and I am an education student at the University of Regina. This webpage will be my journey through my degree, including my developing teaching philosophies. I am currently enrolled as a secondary school teacher, but I have been considering finishing my degree and becoming an inclusion education teacher. Meaning that I would work with students with disabilities. As of now, I am majoring in mathematics in the hopes of becoming a calculus teacher.
I chose to go into education because of my experience in high school. I witnessed many students who struggled with mental health and in turn, struggled in school. One of my teachers at the time inspired me to become a teacher because he respected and truly cared for all of his students. I wish to become the same teacher he was and care for my students on a deeper level than simply academics. I believe every student needs an outlet at school to be successful in not only academics but in their personal lives as well.
When I am not studying for class, I am usually hanging out with friends or spending time with family! If I had to describe myself, the words I would use are creative, hard-working, and caring.
Fun things about me
- I love to spend time at the lake in the water or on the boat in the summer
- I was in taekwondo for over five years and had my black belt

My family!

Graduation with my boyfriend

At the lake!