AOEs and Perspective


Readers, Writers, and Texts

  1. Why and how do we study language and literature?
    1. Through what various methods can LAL be studied?
    2. What is the ‘why’ for different people?
  2. In what ways is meaning constructed, expressed and discovered?
    1. Is meaning the same for everyone?
  3. How do texts offer insights and challenges?
    1. Why are som people challenged by texts and others able to understand them?

Time and Space

  1. How important is cultural or historical context to the production and reception of a text?
    1. Is context important to understanding a text?
  2. How do we approach texts from different times and cultures to our own?
    1. Should we read texts with the mindset of the intended audience or with our modern lens?
  3. To what extent do texts offer insight into another culture?
    1. Is a text a door to knowledge or is it too biased?


  1. In what ways can diverse texts share points of similarity?
    1. Are texts similarly connected for each viewer?
  2. How valid is the notion of a ‘classic’ text?
    1. Is the definition of a ‘classic’ the same for everyone?
  3. How can texts offer multiple perspectives of a single issue, topic or theme?
    1. Does each interpretation follow the same pathway to understanding?
  4. In what ways can comparison and interpretation be transformative?
    1. How are comparisons preceived?

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