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Author: Lyndzee Goudie

My name is Lyndzee Goudie and I was born and raised in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. I am currently enrolled at the University of Regina in the Faculty of Education and I am currently majoring in English.
Normative Narrative Analysis

Normative Narrative Analysis

The topic of race, white privilege and racism is something that feels like it is never taught. From a young age, we immediately are able to compare those of us with white skin to those with darker skin. In some areas, we are so sheltered that some of us rarely meet and engage with any variety of races until we are teenagers like I was in my story. I had always gone to school with kids who looked like me…

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Self-Story #4: The Rich Man Problem

Self-Story #4: The Rich Man Problem

The campfire crackled on the warm July night at our cabin. Laughter filled the air as I sat around it with my family. We began talking about my future. I had just graduated high school a month prior and in a month I would be beginning university. We were discussing how much money a teacher would make and my aunt, a teacher, was telling me what it’s like to be a teacher when my mom out loud said “hopefully you’ll…

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Self Story #3: Tell a story of an experience you have had that is an example of or a realization of your class

Self Story #3: Tell a story of an experience you have had that is an example of or a realization of your class

I never really concerned myself with the concept of class until I was in high school. It wasn’t really until I was in grade 11 and got involved helping with the school’s lunch program. I remember the first day I was working I was taking cash and checking off people’s names who had a prepaid lunch card. It was a really busy day because it was the very popular Mac ’n’ Cheese, so I didn’t really think too much about…

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Discussion Provocation #2

Discussion Provocation #2

If you are white, you immediately have white privilege. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich, poor, young, or old, if you are white you have privilege. Because of the colour of your skin, you are given an unearned advantage in life to things such as education, employment, health and safety,  etc. To say you are not racist and then continue to take advantage of your unearned benefits is why white fragility still exists and continues to be a barrier in…

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First Day

First Day

There was not many times where I noticed people had a different skin colour than me during school because I was always in the majority. But there was one moment specially where I recognized it. We were sitting in the cafeteria area during a grade nine welcome barbecue. I was nervous. I was starting high school in less than 3 days. The smell of cheap burgers filled the air as I was chatting with my friends about the big day….

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Home is in the Cold

Home is in the Cold

It’s 8:30 am when I finally get out the door and the wind chill hits me in the face…yep, that woke me up. I take four steps on the fresh white powdered ground when I realize I forgot to start my car, great. I turn the key and the engine bitterly starts up. It’s now time to brush off the fresh white snow and scrape off the frost that has crystallized around my windows. As I start to brush and…

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