Hello and welcome to my e-Portfolio!
Hello! My name is Mackenzie DIllabaugh. I am from Swift Current Saskatchewan. I moved to Regina three years ago to attend university at the U of R, where I would first pursue law which quickly switched after the fall semester to education! I am in the elementary education program and love every minute of it! I am an only child to my two parents Ken and Janet, with our dogs Sadie and Macy.
I have also become involved in the ranching industry where I quickly fell in love with cattle! This has allowed me to become more connected to the land and more appreciative of what it brings and gives to us.

I was born in Nothern Saskatchewan and moved to Southern Saskatchewan at four years old. I have moved a total of nine times in 18 years; all within Treaty 4 Territory. Over the time of moving, I have learned to love meeting new people and learning how to interact with different personalities. I was surrounded by people from many cultures which opened my eyes to new foods, beliefs, and lifestyles.
Growing up I was heavily involved in the dance world. Dance soon became my heart and passion. I was striving to become a professional dancer; unfortunately, I broke my foot and my dream was stopped. Although my dream career was stopped my love for the sport and the values it instilled in me are still strong. Dance taught me the value of dedication and determination; to never give up and always give 110%. It taught me professional love; how to care and show someone you love them while keeping a professional boundary. My injury in dance also taught me that when one door closes another door opens. I am very appreciative of my journey through dance and how it positively influenced the woman I am now and the characteristics I need as a future educator.
Everyone is unique and has different strong suits. One I would consider to be a part of me is my organizing and planning. Since I can remember I have always been a very scheduled person. I like knowing the when, where, and what time. I have always ran off a schedule; even scheduling out my basic daily tasks. I have learned to be more flexible through my journey of finding who I am. When I was younger when something in my schedule changed it upset me. If something took longer or not as long I felt frazzled. Over my development, I have learned to cope with these roadblocks to understand how I can be most efficient to make myself feel the most successful.
Since grade two I have always thought about being a teacher. I would always “play teacher”; mimicking the actions I saw from teachers in my classrooms. Many of my strong traits of planning and organizing helped influence my thoughts about being an educator. I believe my love for children and people also helped. As I venture down the new path of my future through my journey, I am finding who I am, who I want to be, My future goals, and how I interconnect with my goals so I can become my best self as a future educator.