Blog 2- The Tyler Rationale

Curriculum development from a traditionalist perspective is widely used across schools in Canada and other countries. Think about: (a) The ways in which you may have experienced the Tyler rationale in your own schooling; (b) What are the major limitations of the Tyler rationale/what does it make impossible; and (c) What are some potential benefits/what is made possible.

The Tyler rationale method is examined in the readings from  Smith Curriculum Theory and Practice.This method is described as being very technical. It takes the teachers way of teaching out of the situation and make the teachers focus on the end result. I have had teachers teach this method instead of us learning it at our own pace.

The Smith Curriculum Theory and Practice article examines many limitations from the Tyler rationale. the first of which being that it may take away from the learners. The rationale is too focused on the end result and “turning teachers into technitions” that it does not give the learning process any room to change, the teachers are tole what the children must know and how they will teach them.This rationale majorly impacts the pedagogic practice of teachers.

There are many limitations to this rational as outlines in The Smith Curriculum Theory and Practice readings but, the source also outlines some advantages to the Tyler rationale. This way of approaching the curriculum is very organized, very systematic. It also allows the lesson plans organized and the teachers will know what they need to teach their students.

Response to “The Problem of Common Sense” by Kumashiro

Kumashiro defines commonsenes as knowledge as a group of people that feel comfortable to them. Commonsenese also defines the norm of daily liviving that has been done in the past. When we think about the common sense beliefs we fail to question our selfs of why we do these things. Commonsense understandings is a foundational belief that are very often not taught these days.

It is important to pay attention to “commonsenese” understandings as I believe they limit our views. We sometimes fall into doing things the way we have seen them done, instead of trying them a new. Also people tend to stick to commonsense beacuse it is familar with them.

I came into this course knowing commonsense understandings of the curriculum, but I did not  know a lot about pedagogy. My understanding with the curriculum is a  government documents full of outcomes and materials that need to be taught that whole year in whatever grade you are teaching.