About me!!

Hello and welcome to my online portfilo! My name is Macy Yanish and i’m currently in Elementry Education at the Univerisity of Regina. Throughout this site I be sharing my journey to becoming a teacher! As you may probably noticed, i’m in my second year as a Education student at the University of Regina pursuring a degree in Elementry K-5 Education. I am happy to call Estevan my hometown born and raised there,  I have one sister that is four years older then me. I graduated from Estevan comprhensive School in 2021. I have always known that I wanted to be an educator. However, after some serious conversation with teachers and family I found that becoming a teacher was my passion. I love helping and hanging out with kids; I find them very uplifting and energizing to be around. Therefor, i love the outdoors and exploring and hanging out with my friends and family.