Culture Relevance and Music Education
This week we looked at two separate articles, one looked deeply into culturally relevant pedagogies in a classroom, and the other was about the importance of music in elementary education. After reading the article by Ann E. Lopez, I became very aware of the importance of celebrating all cultures and languages in a classroom. Children…
Hip Hop and our Education System
I loved reading the article “Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy as a Form of Liberatory Praxis” by A. A. Akom. I felt that this article made many notable points that are extremely important. Such as hip hops meaning and purpose, and the affect that it can have on human beings. Growing up, I took dance lessons…
Politics of Education Curriculums
Upon reading the article called, “Curriculum Policy and the Politics of What Should Be Learned in Schools” by Ben Levin, it became very clear to me that curriculum is a much more complicated subject than I thought. I understood how important a curriculum is to education, but I did not realize the complications that come…