Hello everyone! My name is Madeline Baker and I am from Yorkton SK, which is located on Treaty 4 territory. The picture that I have posted above features my home in Yorkton. My family and I moved into that house when I was eleven years old and many wonderful memories have been made there. These memories include walking to the dance studio, which I attended competitively for fifteen years, walking my dog, and gardening with my mom and sister. Each night my mom or dad would walk with me to the studio with my dog named Daisy. On the walk, there are many trees lined up along the street, which Daisy loved to stop and sniff. Outside my time at the studio, I loved taking Daisy for walks on my own, especially during the fall when all the leaves on the trees would be changing colours and would crunch underneath my feet. In the spring, another one of my favourite things to do is help my mom in her garden. In the picture, you can see where several trees and flowerbeds are located in the front and backyard. Tending to the plants and watching them grow provides me with so much joy in my life.