Am I a Teacher 24 Hours a Day?

“Teachers Encourage Minds to Think, Hands to Create, and Hearts to Love”


I believe that we are teachers everyday 24/7; I also believe we are all learners everyday 24/7. We are all human, so naturally we all make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. Those mistakes help us to become better people and better teachers. Our children are citizens in training and they will make mistakes. It is our job to help them learn from these mistakes and help teach others so they can become better people and as well. It is like a cycle, eventually we will all become better educators and learners. Making mistakes and learning from those mistakes will also lead us on the right track of becoming more professional as well. 

We all have the responsibility to educate our youth. The children in our schools right now are our future; we must educate them to the best of our ability. Being professional means that you are always on the job setting a good example for the people around you. You are enthusiastic, kind, helpful, reliable and loyal. Acting professionally everyday will help prepare us for the future and our youth as well.