Author: Madeline

Hello! My name is Madeline Baker and I am eighteen years old. I grew up in Yorkton Saskatchewan and am now attending the University of Regina. Some of my hobbies include dancing, reading, and swimming! I am so excited to be a part of this journey of becoming a teacher!

Queering the Curriculum

The queer sexual identity is both similar to and distinct from other forms of sexuality because of people’s hesitancy to identify themselves as queer. Kolker, Taylor, and Galupo’s article explains that, “while, some participants described using queer strategically around certain individuals because of its history, other participants avoided its use altogether” (1350).  Some people simply do…

By Madeline November 29, 2021 0

Literacy and Single Stories

For this week, we were required to read another article by Kumashiro, as well as listen to a Ted Talk given by a woman named Chimamanda Adichie. In Kumashiro’s article, he writes about the importance of providing a variety of perspectives on certain topics in order for students to broaden their minds and look past…

By Madeline November 22, 2021 3

Colonialism and Mathematics

The reading as told by Leroy Little Bear, looked deeply into how colonialism can affect the way teachers approach educating their students about Canada’s history. Through this, students gain a Eurocentric view on topics that are important in discovering who they are as Canadian citizens. Math is a very important class in education, but teachers…

By Madeline November 16, 2021 2

Treaty Education

Treaty Education is a crucial part of any school curriculum, but still today, people will dismiss the importance of learning about Treaty Ed. Treaty Ed is a part of every school curriculum for this reason, to help people understand why reconciliation needs to take place in our society today. There are many schools across Canada…

By Madeline November 2, 2021 5

Culture Relevance and Music Education

This week we looked at two separate articles, one looked deeply into culturally relevant pedagogies in a classroom, and the other was about the importance of music in elementary education. After reading the article by Ann E. Lopez, I became very aware of the importance of celebrating all cultures and languages in a classroom. Children…

By Madeline October 25, 2021 0

Hip Hop and our Education System

I loved reading the article “Critical Hip Hop Pedagogy as a Form of Liberatory Praxis” by A. A. Akom. I felt that this article made many notable points that are extremely important. Such as hip hops meaning and purpose, and the affect that it can have on human beings.              Growing up, I took dance lessons…

By Madeline October 18, 2021 1

Politics of Education Curriculums

Upon reading the article called, “Curriculum Policy and the Politics of What Should Be Learned in Schools” by Ben Levin, it became very clear to me that curriculum is a much more complicated subject than I thought. I understood how important a curriculum is to education, but I did not realize the complications that come…

By Madeline October 3, 2021 0

What is a “Good” Student?

This week’s reading was especially interesting because it made me think very deeply about teaching practices and how important it is to communicate with students. The Kumashiro reading provides a modern view on the subject of what it means to be a “good” student, while the Painter reading tells us a range of different cultural…

By Madeline September 28, 2021 1

Hidden Curriculum Within Education

For the Critical Summary Assignment, I chose to look deeper into Hidden Curriculum. I remember briefly discussing this topic during class one night and when I saw that there was an option to study further into it, I did not hesitate to choose it. For me, it is a fascinating concept. Students must learn all…

By Madeline September 21, 2021 1