Truth and Reconciliation: What is it About?– This textbook is an excellent resource to have in a classroom. It provides honest information about residential schools from a child’s point of view. The history of residential schools is very important to our country’s history, so it is essential that we teach about them in our classrooms to ensure that they never happen again.
Muffins For Granny Documentary– Muffins For Granny is a fantastic documentary with a sad story. Real residential school survivors speak out and tell us about their experiences in residential schools. Muffins For Granny is a great source to use in schools because it will leave a huge impact on students and it will give them a deeper understanding of our countries history.
Suzy’s Story– Suzy ‘s story talks about her journey of feeling appreciated for who she really is as a person. She talks specifically about how one teacher changed her life by simply asking, “how are you?”. It is up to us as teachers to make sure every child feels safe in their community, and this video is a great source to have as a future teacher.