Khan Academy: Personally I have always been someone who has struggled with math, but this website has helped me so much! Khan academy has many step by step tutorials on how to solve problems, in math or science. Khan academy is a great resource for teachers to use in their classrooms.
Raz Kids: From grades 1 to 4, my teachers had us go on Raz Kids. Raz Kids is a website that helps children to read at a specific level. Raz Kids can be practiced at school or at home!
Cool Math Games: Cool Math games is a wonderful source to help challenge children’s thinking level. It is filled with games that not only test a child’s strategic thinking, but they are also so much fun!
All The Right Type: This source is great to introduce proper typing technique to younger students.
Starfall: Starfall is an excellent source for classrooms because students have fun learning reading, math, phonics, and other educational games. When I was younger, my teacher used this website every morning and it was so much fun!
Mathletics: Mathletics allows students to practice Saskatchewan curriculum outcomes through practice in games. It is data driven allowing parents and teachers to track the student’s progress.