Who’s in my Pocket?

Learner profile  

As a teacher, how could you differentiate in each area below in order to support this student’s learning? i.e. How could you apply the adaptive dimension? Cite the Adaptive Dimension (2017) resource & explain why you think these choices are appropriate in this context.
Learning Environment

“Consistent, predictable and structured environments ensure that students know what to expect” (p.8)

The Adaptive Dimension suggests that a structured learning environment will help students to know what to expect in their classroom. John appeared to always work best when he had a structured daily routine, but we also had to ensure that this routine proved effective in his learning.  


“Teachers should consult and collaborate with colleagues to identify students’ strengths and needs to continuously correlate, monitor and adjust their instructional approaches.” (p. 8)

To give John the best learning experience, the teacher and EA’s – as well as any other professionals who are a part of his learning – could work together to create the best instructional approach. They also could inform each other of what they see as John’s strengths in his learning such as patterns. 


“When colleagues consult and collaborate to select a range of resources (print, visual, audio and multimedia) student learning is enhanced. Students should have opportunities to select resources that are engaging and reflect their interests and needs.” (pg. 11) 

Autistic students benefit from plenty of visuals in their learning, as well as scripts (in picture or sentence form) that remind them how to communicate effectively or complete a task. Picture books with simple sentences that pertain to curriculum content or student interest could be incorporated. 


“Just as teachers adapt instruction to meet the needs of the students, assessment must be adjusted so individual needs are met” (p. 9)

Instead of John writing a formal assessment, the teachers and EA’s could work together to brainstorm other ways to assess John. These ways could include

  • Assessing their progress on mathletics
  • Monitor their growth in reading
  • Monitor their writing growth

For John, formative assessments are the most effective as they do not put any unnecessary pressure on them.