As a future educator, learning about different educational philosophies is very interesting to me.
Specific educational philosophers that I have learned about in ECS 101 and stuck out to me are:
- John Dewey: believes learning is doing, interaction helps learning and teaching, and give students something to do not something to learn.
- Paulo Freire: believes teaching is from the heart.
“I could never think of education without love and that is why I think I am an educator, because I feel love.” – Paulo Freire.
Personally I believe in a progressivism educational philosophy. Which progressivism means: learning is active not passive. Hands on learning gives students a better way of learning, being able to see what they are working with and being able to use trial and error towards the outcome. Listed above are two of the educational philosophers that I relate to the most. “Learning is doing” has the same morals as progressivism. Teaching from the heart is one of the biggest reasons I want to become a teacher, I know I will teach from the heart, and I also feel love and passion about my future career as an educator, just like the quote that Paulo Freire says above.