Spaces, Places and Boundaries: My Safe Places

Top Left Photo- Follow a Path: This path is right by my house. I go here to clear my head and find calm in the most chaotic moments. This path is a wonderful spot to take a break and enjoy the sounds of nature that surround you while on this path.

Top Right Photo- Find a Sit Spot: This spot is one of my favourite places to relax in the world. I am sitting on a bench in this picture, although this just shows the view. It is in Wasagaming (Clear Lake) at the Riding Mountain National Park. I love to take in the greenery watch the birds and other wildlife pass by.

Bottom Left Photo- Map Your Emotions: This room within my grandmas house fills me with the most warm and nostalgic feelings. There are so many memories I have in this room and it is one of my favourite places to sit and reflect.

Bottom Right Photo- View From A Different Perspective: On the other side of this photo there is a beautiful sunset to the west. I took many pictures of it. But when I turned around, I saw the most amazing full rainbow. It reminded me that there is beauty in every perspective.

These are my safe places. It is important that our classrooms can be one for all of our students as well.