Blooms Taxonomy ?

Here are the three Bloom Taxonomy activities completed on January 27th, 2022. It was helpful to have a detailed breakdown of how the taxonomy works from learning goals to exploring each of the levels.

Simpler and More Complex Content – Activity #1

For each of the following learning goal examples, write content question(s) for students that you would consider more complex and write content question(s) that you would consider simpler for the goal.

Learning Goal # 1:  Students will be able to multiply two digit numbers by two-digit numbers.
More Complex:87×14= 1,218
Simpler Content10×10= 100 
Learning Goal # 2:  Students will be able to label the world’s continents on a map.
More Complex:Drawing continents and label them 
Simpler ContentFill in the blanks or matching countries to territories 
Learning Goal # 3:  Students will be able to sing with the correct tempo and pitch.
More Complex:Matching the key on the piano/ ensuring small group members have the same tempo and pitch
Simpler ContentPractice O’Canada 

Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading, Robert Marzano (2010), Page 53

Creating Questions Using BLOOMS Recording Sheet – Activity #3

Topic:  Red River Cart 

BLOOM’s  Question:
Remembering-Who used Red River Carts?
Understanding-What is a Red River Cart?-What is/was the importance of the Red River Car to the Métis?
ApplyingExplain why the Red River Cart Trail was important? 
Analyzing-compare and contrast the usability. effectiveness and reputation of the Red River Cart with other forms of transportation at that time
Evaluating-use the previous comparison to rank the various methods of transportation use a minimum of three and explain how you ranked them. 
Creating-Come up with a proposal for a method of transportation that would be just as effective 

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