About Me

Who Am I?

My name is Michaela MacMurchy and I was born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan. I come from a loving home of ten: me, my mom (Lisa), my dad (Ken), my two half-sisters (Hannah and Tyra), my half-brother (John), and my four dogs (Chaz, Bella, Dolly, and Koko). My family has always been a major support in my life and has cheered me on in everything I do. My oldest sister, Hannah, is a high school teacher, which partially inspired my decision to become a teacher as well.

My Puppies


I graduated from Balfour Collegiate in June of 2020 with honour roll and meritorious every year along with the privilege to participate in many extra-curricular activities, including basketball, flag football, and being the school’s mascot. I am now going into my second semester of Early Childhood Education here at the University of Regina.

Awards & Achievements

  • Honour Roll from Grade 9-12 (2016-2020)
  • Sportsmanship Award for Senior Girls Basketball (2020)

Volunteer Experience

  • Mascot at Balfour Collegiate (2018-2020)
  • Canteen Worker at Balfour Collegiate (2016-2019)
  • Cafeteria Worker at Balfour Collegiate (2017-2019)
  • Tech Buddy at the Regina Public Library (2018)
  • Volunteer at Katepwa Lake Camp (2020)

