I know that AI is really the hot topic recently and the community really is divided on if AI is a good thing or not. Now I didn’t think that I would be saying that my online source this week was AI, but when I googled “Indigenous Beading How To” to look for an additional source for this week, what came up was Googles Generative AI response so I decided that this week is all about AI!
The first source that I looked at was the Google Generative AI. Now I have used this a bit when researching for other classes or at work, but generally, it is just because it is something that popped up. I noticed that the answers are generally fairly short but to the point. In this case, it gave steps to do along with one picture and some additional resources if a person wanted to do more research. The steps made sense and I appreciated this, but honestly as a resource for learning to bead, it do not think that it is a great option. I think that the information is lacking and without a video or more step by step pictures, it is very difficult to follow if you are someone who is new at beading.
I decided to stick with the theme of AI so I went to my typical AI source- ChatGPT! Now I use ChatGPT often as a teacher for helping to create worksheets, write comments or letters. I think ChatGPT does a great job of these tasks! Now when it came to asking ChatGPT about “How to do Indigenous Beading”, it did much better than Googles Generative AI. ChatGPT started by giving a bit of backstory, then told us what materials it would need and broke the process down into 5 steps with tips for beginners at the end. I was seriously impressed!
Now does this mean that it would be perfect for a beginner, no. There is still challenges when being told to do a task with no pictures or videos. Now I have heard from

Generated image from ChatGPT
others that ChatGPT can generate pictures or videos to go along with what it is trying to teach so I decided to give it a go and ask ChatGPT to “Create a video or pictures to go along with this”. Now although ChatGPT did in fact give me an image, it wasn’t very helpful. I think that if I played around with it more, I might be able to get it to do what I would like, but I still wouldn’t rate AI very highly on my list of resources for people learning to bead. I think that maybe this isn’t the best use of AI and we can keep using it for other things instead.
This is such a good idea? I never thought of using ai to grab inspo and instructions from but I might have to give this a try!!
I will have to follow your lead with AI to learn for this project! Challenges are still a part of the learning process and provide an example of ways humans do stuff better than it. Keep up the great work!
It is such a cool idea to use AI as a resource. I have found that ChatGPT provides better responses than other AI platforms. I wonder how long it will be before we are required to pay to use it.