Summary of Learning

I can’t believe that four weeks have passed and EC&I 834 is over already! It has been such a pleasure participating in this class. This class has been very engaging and I wish I had more electives so I could take more classes on online learning and using technology in the classroom. I will admit I knew little at the start of this class however through lectures, peer feedback, and discord I now have so many tools in my toolbox moving forward.

Please watch my Summary of Learning video below to see what I’ve learned.

Thank you to my peers and Katia for a wonderful class!

3 thoughts on “Summary of Learning

  1. Great summary Megan! Noticing the difference between blended learning and online learning is also one of my biggest take-aways. Coming into this class, I wouldn’t have considered my current teaching to be considered a ‘blended’ model, but I’m glad to have learned that I’d be incorrect! Have a great summer and best of luck with the new school year in the fall!

  2. Well done, Megan! I appreciated when you incorporated your own experiences on accessibility into your summary of learning. You successfully covered the core topics of the course content with incorporating your own experiences to dive deeper into the content. Thank you for sharing and I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

  3. I enjoyed watching your Summary of Learning, Megan! Looking through multiple course walkthroughs this Sunday evening, I found your quote at 2:46 especially resonated with me (“courses aren’t sugar cookies: they shouldn’t all look alike”). Watching these course walkthroughs, I was very impressed with how everyone has put their own style on their classes. There are so many awesome, talented educators in this class; I feel great about our profession, as a whole, looking at everyone’s work!

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