WEEK 12 – Understanding literacy and multilingual students

WEEK 12 – Understanding literacy and multilingual students

I feel for my own experience with math – the teachers would ‘move on’ if you didn’t get the formula right away or for the shy students that were too shy to speak up, if those students didn’t get the formula for math were also behind in the subject.  With our guest speaker on Wednesday, she mentioned how math can be culturally bias – I never thought of math being suppressed, but viewing my own experience, it makes sense.   In Bears’ article they mention how education is through force and law and I agree there is political power with how the curriculum is formed.  But there needs to be a shift for how teachers don’t suppress culture within math, or other subjects.

The three ways to challenge Eurocentric ideas and integrating Inuit mathematics is counting orally in their own language, measuring can be used with body parts – such as using their arm to measure, and collaborative research with the use of teachers deep understandings and action.  Integrating different ways to be diverse will challenge math being culturally bias.

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