Classroom Reflection #4

Classroom Reflection #4

January 31, 2024

  1. Topics/activities that initiated my reflection – The Completing of Co-Construction of Rubrics activity I believe was the key idea that stood out to me from class.  I like the idea of developing a success criteria that is co-constructed by both the student and teacher, keeping that student lead focus.  For the group work for the activity, we were organized and came up with great ideas, we were talking about the Talking about Shapes handout from the previous class.  I really liked this activity, because it gave me insight into what steps apply to forming assessment.  During steps 1, 2, and 3 these steps on how to form assessment are useful with how Grade. 5 students would respond to the questions, how to categorize, and what to say to be adequate.  Adequate, I learned more from the rubric, that students have to hit that level to and strive for beyond it too.  Adding onto the activity, I liked how we finished the activity with the groups sharing their ideas on how they would use their answers for the questions from Talking about Shapes.
  2. Content connections: academic knowledge, “educational” experiences & perspectives on assessment material – In the chapters for this week, I related to them from my “educational” experiences.  Within chapters 5 – I experienced a lot of product from the Triangulation method of collecting for assessment.  For chapter 6 – it talks a lot about forming assessment with learners and how self and peer assessment are used.  I have experienced both of these and do see the benefits in how they build skills for the learner, such as being accountable for what is expected from the criteria.
  3. Inform & influences for future teaching (need/ learn more about) – The Triangulation from chapter 5 will be something I see being useful for my future teachings.  The Triangulation, I really like the use of trying out different forms of assessment – observations, conversations, and products.  I think using this will be good for future teachings to see what works best for myself and the learners.
  4. SYMBOL: reminder of reflection – The symbol I choose this week is a mountain, because it symbolizes the Triangulation and the use of the three sides being the observation, conversation, and the product.  I like the symbol of the mountain, because it represents how hiking is a journey up a mountain – it is hard, but with the right resources the hike can be fulfilling.

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