Topics/activities that initiated my reflection – The topics that stood out to me this week was learning more about the use of Graphic Organizers and the Fishbone Graphic Organizer, Student-Led Conferences, the 20 Considerations to Provide Effective Feedback for Learning, and Tips for Portfolios – Handout. For Graphic Organizers, what stood out to me was understanding that this way of organizing thoughts and ideas can be a useful way form of assessment for students. I like the Fishbone Graphic Organizer and how we used it for an activity with our partners in the break out rooms. This form of assessment I believe is a good way to keep students organized with getting their ideas out on paper, and it is also useful for visual learners. My preference for graphic organizers I use are Venn Diagrams and Graphic Organizers, to help form my ideas. The next topic that stood out to me is the Student-Led Conferences, I like this way of allowing this form of sharing a students learning journey with the guardians along with the students being a part of the conference – it is a student focused form and that is way I like it. The student-led conferences also connects to chapter 10. Next, is the 20 Considerations to Provide Effective Feedback for Learning, what I enjoy is the many ways to form the feedback that would be useful for students and I also enjoyed the Pull Guru questions on these 20 considerations. For the 20 considerations I feel that I might need to work on #2 which is Feedback should be given in a timely manner – I will have to plan to have good time management to help with getting feedback back to students in a timely manner. The last topic that stood out is the Tips for Portfolios – Handout. I think this is useful knowledge for knowing the many ways to use portfolios – I like the different kinds of portfolios. I like the idea of using portfolios for students and knowing the many different kinds of portfolios, this allows me to offer a variety of options for learners.
Content connections: academic knowledge, “educational” experiences & perspectives on assessment material – For my experience with my content connections, I connect with using graphic organizers and portfolios. For myself, I like to keep organized and the help with graphic organizer I find is engaging because I would consider myself to an extent to be a visual learner. For this reason, I believe that visual learners will benefit from the help of graphic organizer, meant to help guide learners write out their ideas and form their thoughts. For portfolios, I connect a lot with my experience and always find these to be fun projects, because of my art and visual learned based background. Because everybody is a unique learner, I feel that portfolios allow for students to express their creativity.
Inform & influences for future teaching (need/ learn more about) – I would like to learn more about ways to use graphic organizers as a form of assessment. I think this is a useful way to gather information from students so would offering graphic organizers be a form of summative assessment? What influenced me this week is knowing that visual learning can help form assessment, and I like that assessment should seek to be student focused too. I was informed on the student-led conferences, for me growing up it was just parent-teacher conferences. I feel that student-led conferences offers students a way to start forming their voice and developing skills such as staying organized with their work, and sharing it with their guardians. I like this way of approaching conferences that I feel the need to take on this approach when it comes to conferences.
SYMBOL: reminder of reflection – The symbol I choose this week involves working with one another – the parent, teacher, and student, and with a focus on student lead and interest based. After learning how positively impactful student-led conferences can be for a learner, I want my symbol to represent that when we work together we can make a positive impact within the world and in students learning journeys. So my symbol represents a earth with kids around it to represent the students being the focus for being accommodated towards for their interests, needs, and having a student lead approach too.
How I will go forward as a teacher in myassessment literacy – I plan on going forward with offering ways to best accommodate towards all learners such as visual learners, etc. I feel that everybody best expresses themselves when their learning needs are accommodated for.