Classroom Reflection 9

Classroom Reflection 9

April. 3, 2024

  1. Topics/activities that initiated my reflection – The biggest takeaways from this class is doing the “FRACTION Questions Student Activity PDF (Cognitive Demand, L of C, Points)” and “The Five Lenses to Consider when Reviewing Data.”  From the “FRACTION Questions Student Activity PDF (Cognitive Demand, L of C, Points)”, this activity was useful with knowing how to approach assessing the questions asked in assignments such as this fraction activity we did with a small group.  I like how this activity gave our group a better understanding of categorizing the “To know, to do, and the to be” for the thinking type for assessment.  For this activity as well our group worked well with one another with good team work and we got the hang of the levels of how to score questions accordingly.  For the next topic discussed during this class is “The Five Lenses to Consider when Reviewing Data.”  This article is interesting and good to know when forming assessment of what assessment influences.  Also, this article was interesting to see the “Determining the Points Scores for  Levels of Performance”, because I made a connection to my pre-internship experience.  During pre-interns, I had my toes in the water with getting more familiar with the scoring system.
  2. Content connections: academic knowledge, “educational” experiences & perspectives on assessment material – During my pre-internship experience I make the connection to the article called “The Five Lenses to Consider when Reviewing Data” and with my current knowledge of the grading system.  With my experience with pre-interns, I became familiar with seeing the scoring system and their abbreviations such as, this is the grading system from my knowledge for elementary schools:
    1. Me – meeting 
    2. Ap – approaching 
    3. Be – beginning 
  3. Inform & influences for future teaching (need/ learn more about) – For my future teachings, I plan on becoming more familiar with the grading system within my internship experience for Fall 2024.  I believe that the more experience I can gain with the grading system the better I will understand and better form assessments.  By taking into account each questions and grading accordingly similar to determining the scoring system for the fraction activity that we did the our small groups.
  4. SYMBOL: reminder of reflection – The symbol I choose this week involves the process of determining a score and how this involves a system.  I choose this symbol to represent a simple way to represent a system of grading.  Each smiley face can represent the Me, Ap, Be, this a student friendly way to show students what is expected.
  5. How I will go forward as a teacher in my assessment literacy – I plan on going forward with a being organized and forming a grading system that works for myself and everyone involved.  I also plan on taking into account the steps it takes to successfully approach the scoring system for students and making decisions on the final say of the outcomes and the products.  I understand that assessment involves triangulation of – observations, conversations, and products – so ensuring that I am best equipped to form an assessment plan will influence what the outcome will be.  I lastly would let students understand what they will be assessed on and going over what is expected.

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