WEEK 7 – Curriculum in Action: Learning Theories & Approaches to Lesson Planning

WEEK 7 – Curriculum in Action: Learning Theories & Approaches to Lesson Planning

Hip Hop can be used as a tool to teach about gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and the relation of hip hop and culture.  The way Hip Hop can teach about the challenges African Americans faced in the past is to understand their world through lyrics.  Many people that were of color who spoke up for their rights were deemed as dangerous – this is a stereotype of African Americans.  Ways to incorporate the topic of Hip Hop and understanding within the classroom can be using CHHP which challenges those assumptions of stereotypes and educates students and teachers of the positive outcomes of Hip Hop and culture.  Along with having a studio for Hip Hop for students to express their identities and let people know Hip Hop is for everyone.  A ““critical praxis”” – reflection and action” (Akom, 2009, p. 59) model is used for this style of teaching which benefits all learners and brings unity.  

The relationship between Hip Hop and culture allows “students of color are able to provide alternative explanations of school inequality and simultaneously gain a critical perspective of their world.” (Akom, 2008, p. 55).  The critical consciousness amongst students is learning about different cultures and why people express themselves through Hip Hop – to express their ideas of inequality within society, to have a voice, talk about rights, and for survival from the law.  

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