Topics/activities that initiated my reflection – This week I have been influenced by these activities that we did as a class – Assessment of Assessment, My Assessment Literacy, and the Multiple Intelligence Learning Inventory. For the Assessment of Assessment quiz, I think that it was an insight into ways to assess learners and knowing how to create quizzes like this one for future learners to use for assessment. From My Assessment Literacy, I did the quiz #1, I scored a 70 on my knowledge on assessment. This score makes me understand that my current knowledge is based on my inexperience with forming evaluations that are used for assessment tools. It should be interesting to see my score change new the end of this semester when I have to do another quiz. The last activities that influenced my reflection is the Multiple Intelligence Learning Inventory quiz I connected more with the Intrapersonal, Visual/Spatial, and the Logical/Mathematical for my higher numbers. After doing all these activities for week 1 I feel I learned more about my current knowledge on assessment, and there is room for more growth.
Content Connections: academic knowledge, “educational” experiences & perspectives on assessment material – My content connections with assessment and my academic knowledge is from taking previous classes that helped define assessment for me. I learned that there is two forms of assessment, these are: formative and summative assessments. Formative from my academic knowledge is the forming of the learning, and summative is the evaluation of the learning. For my “educational” experiences, I have experience from pre-interns last semester, but I was only focusing on formative assessment for my experience. My perspectives on assessment materials currently is being new to the process, but I am familiar with the content involved and I hope to gain new insight that will be helpful when I have to create criteria, rubrics, and forms of evaluation for summative. From my understanding, forming criteria for assessment needs to fit the needs of the theme/topic too.
Inform & influences for future teaching (need/learn more about) – I feel that I need to gain for knowledge on how to create assessments, along with which assessment styles work best with me – this will of course take time to figure out what assessment styles work best. I want to gain more knowledge on how to create a go to rubric that can be a reference and helpful guide in my future teachings.
SYMBOL: reminder of reflection –“A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new” – Albert Einstein. I chose this quote to help me symbolize week one, because I love science and Albert Einstein and I feel its a good reminder for the beginning of the semester for me for week 1. It will help me with my learning on assessment at the beginning of the semester and understanding that it will take time for me to find what assessment styles work best with my teaching practice. It is a reminder to me – to be kind in the early beginning stages of my teaching that mistakes will happen, but I am growing from those mistakes with figuring out my teaching style.