Self-Assessment Quizzes #1 – #5 on Assessment Literacy
Quiz 1
Quiz 5
With comparing my growth from the start of the semester and the end of the semester – I have gained my theory in assessment strategies. At the beginning of the semester I was only familiar with formative and summative assessment, knowing that formative is a process along the unit, and summative is the testing of the whole process at the end of a unit. During my 3 week block experience, I became more familiar with the hands on experience of formative and summative – keeping in mind the many strategies offered to do. My coop teacher was helpful for directing me with how should be assessed. Nearing the end of this semester – with the new knowledge gained of assessment strategies to offer students such as:
- Oral, visual, kinetics, and written
- Blooms taxonomy
- Assessment for, of, and as
- Triangulation – observations, conversations, and products
With all these resources from this semester, I will be using them for future planning for assessment, and will make assessment a life long journey of exploring and making such adaptations needed.