5 Big Ideas

5 Big Ideas

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Nahanni Adams-Lindberg 

ECS 401 

5 Big Ideas 

April. 13, 2024 

5 Big Ideas 

You know that feeling when you realize something after the fact, have those ah-ha moments, and have something stick until afterwards.  I had a lot of these moments during the semester with learning something after submitting an assignment or doing an activity.  My growth from the beginning of the semester makes me understand now that assessment within education is an important process of documentation.  My journey throughout the semester is what my ideas and goals were like at the beginning of the semester in comparison to the end, what influences took place from peers, and share my 5 big ideas of assessment.  

From the beginning of the semester, my knowledge then was information previously of what formative and summative assessment means.  I had little knowledge of it other than what professors previously have taught me and doing assignments.  My goals at the beginning of the semester was to try different ways of assessment, do summative assessment during my 3 week block, and create a rubric.  During my 3 week block, I was in a grade. ¾ class, and I did try different ways of assessment with trying out the observations of the triangulation and classroom management of getting students to work on their listening and speaking skills by raising their hand and listening to the person speaking – this also set good life skills.  The formative assessment approaches I took were asking questions throughout the process of my lessons, making use of exit slips, doing knowledge jars, getting students to come and write the answers/solve them on the board together, making use of digital technology, hands on projects of craftsmanship, and an experiment.  I had later got advice from my coop teacher to make use of a checklist, which ties in with observations of the triangulation.  For summative assessment, my coop mentioned I needed something to wrap up the unit, so I created a unit test for the grade. ¾.  I also made slide shows that were linked to my lesson plans and unit plan.  Lastly, I used the scope and sequence to create my unit plan.  I didn’t make a rubric during my 3 week block, so I will have to do this for my Internship in the Fall 2024.  

For peer assessment Assessment Plans Assignment, my learning perspective from outside my learning with assessing peer Assessment Plans, I learned a lot from each peers projects and it was very insightful for gaining other knowledge.  One particular Assessment Plan that stood out to me was Justine’s.  Her work is phenomenal and I’m happy I was assigned to assess her work, because I feel I learned a lot from her view of assessment, as with others I assessed too.  This is where I had those ah-ha moments.  

My 5 Big Ideas: 

  1. Assessment Strategies 
  2. Bloom’s Taxonomy 
  3. Assessment of, for, as 
  4. Triangulation – observations, conversations, products 
  5. 20 Considerations of Feedback 

For my 5 big ideas, and comparing my goals at the beginning of the semester, I have learned more insight into useful assessment strategies to use in the future, with all those ah-ha moments throughout the semester.  For my 1st big Idea it is – Assessment strategies I am influenced by the many ways you can have for selections, there is – oral, visual, kinesthetic, and written.  I plan on using more of these strategies with my future teachings.  For my 2nd big idea it is, Bloom’s Taxonomy.  I am influenced by the building up of the pyramid of Blooms and working my way up for students’ learning journey.  For my 3rd big idea it is, Assessment of, for, as.  I am influenced by how Assessment for learning is there to be supportive for students – of knowing where the student is and supporting their growth.  For Assessment of learning – I am influenced by making the necessary adaptations and accommodating towards the students growth.  Lastly, for Assessment as learning – I am influenced by students’ recognition of their own growth process and making reflections.  For my 4th big idea, Triangulation – observations, conversations, products.  I am influenced by how the triangulation captures different stages of the students’ learning process.  For my 5th big idea, it is 20 Considerations of Feedback.  I am influenced by the considerations with making assessment.  I realize that feedback is an important process for students to gauge their progress.  

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