Blog Space ECS 203: The Beauty of Aesthetic Learning

Blog Space ECS 203: The Beauty of Aesthetic Learning

Week 3: There is beauty in life, a connection in which humanity resonates between nature and nurture. I have tried sifting through topics and theorists trying to find an area in which I want to further engage with. I believe the “Aesthetic Experience” speaks to me as a learner, not only in my education but in my interactions with the world around me. It is easy to bombard a student with important concepts, theories, and facts of a curriculum but finding a way for the student to find a valve and connection in the information is the key to success. I came across this quote which speaks to me as an individual and encourages me to understand more how I relate to this more. “The foundations of the world are to be found, not in the cognitive experience of conscious thought, but in the aesthetic experience of everyday life.” By Alfred North Whitehead.

I have chosen my “The Development of Aesthetic Experience, Curriculum Issues in Arts Education” edited by Malcom Ross. “Curriculum Issues in Arts Education, Volume 3: The Development of Aesthetic Experience focuses on the processes, methodologies, and approaches involved in the development of aesthetic experience, including art education, developmental theories, and aesthetic assessment. The book first tackles the concept of aesthetic development and aesthetic dimension in art education. The text then explores the psychological viewpoint of aesthetic development and aesthetic development in music. Topics include music education, music and function, task of teachers, developmental relationships between processes or roles, and uses and misuses of developmental theories. The publication ponders on the role of teachers and students, aesthetic development in dance, and drama as learning, art, and aesthetic experience. The manuscript then examines emotional development in adolescence, meaning in aesthetic experience, and aesthetic assessment and the reliability factor. The book is a reliable source of information for educators and readers interested in the development of aesthetic experience.” [2]

After looking into this topic, I have discovered that I need to find what aesthetic learning means to me. Refining my definition and understanding what it means to me will help me better understand and develop my pedagogy. I hope to learn how I can better use the curriculum to advance aesthetic learning. I feel I will find a connection on how aesthetic learn can create a safe nurturing learning environment for my future students.

Works Cited.



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