ECS 203 BLOG SPACE: Curriculum in Action – Approaches to Unit Planning

ECS 203 BLOG SPACE: Curriculum in Action – Approaches to Unit Planning

Week 9: What is a Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP)? “Culturally relevant pedagogy is a pedagogical framework that grounds and informs every aspect of teaching. It is a philosophical outlook towards one’s approach to teaching that informs the what, the how, and the why.”1 Culturally relevant pedagogy builds on the understanding of “how people are expected to go about learning may differ across cultures. To maximize learning opportunities, teachers must gain knowledge of the cultures represented in their classrooms, then translate this knowledge into instructional practice.”2 It is essential to learn a culturally relevant pedagogy because as a future teacher, it will allow me to deliver the curriculum to my students more effective manner.

My goal is to teach early elementary, and my culturally relevant pedagogy will be welcoming and inviting to all children. My classroom will be set up so that children can learn through play and exploration. My students will learn best through active, culturally appropriate teaching. I believe having and welcoming and accepting environment is essential when dealing with cultural and racial diversity. My classroom should be a safe and welcoming environment where students are not afraid to share their beliefs and ideas. I believe in n encouraging imagination and creativity through play-based education. “Engaging in culturally relevant teaching practices does not happen by chance and requires teachers to be critically aware and agentive in their classrooms, drawing on relevant socio-cultural theories and creating their own purposeful praxis.”2 Most importantly, I believe the classroom and myself will be part of a team, in which I work alongside the student and their family to deliver the most culturally appropriate and beneficial education I can will adhering to the curriculum.

I will work to provide a sense of place for my students to be, including culturally diverse and appropriate artwork and literature in the classroom. I will work with my teaching resources to allow positive representatives from within our community and surrounding areas to speak in the school. When the curriculum and budget allow it, we will learn in our community through field trips and outdoor learning classrooms. I believe almost every situation in life can be a teachable moment. Providing the children are given the right seeds of encouragement and nurture. They will grow to be outstanding individuals with a strong sense of self.

Work Cited

[1] How to Practice Culturally Relevant Pedagogy | Teach For America

[2] Culturally relevant pedagogy and critical literacy in diverse English classrooms A case study of a secondary English teacher’s activism and agency.pdf – Google Drive

Placing elementary music education- a case study of a Canadian rural music program.pdf – Google Drive

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