About me
Who am I?

My name is Nicki Shoulak, I met my best friend in 2001, married him in 2009 and we have now been together 18 wonderful years. I am fortunate to be part of a wonderful and supportive family. I am a mother to 3 amazing human beings, all roughly 18 months apart, and 2 fur babies; a beagle and a border collie/ husky mix. My children attend a french emersion elementary school, currently in grade 4, grade 2 and kindergarten. I do not speak french, so this has been a learning process for us all, especially when it comes to spelling, dictèe.

I took time off to find myself after high school. I have travelled, I have worked part-time and full-time jobs, from retail to serving and managing. I have married and started a beautiful family. Through the process of raising our family, I became a licenced day home through the Ministry of Education. I spent my days nurturing and caring for not only my children but all of the children in my day home.

Long story short, I have enjoyed 16 years post-high school, accomplished many wonderful things. One day I took a look at my life and knew where I wanted to be. Teaching and nurturing youths in hopes that one day they will discover themselves and become amazing individuals.

I graduated from Archbishop M.C. O’Neill High School in 2001
I am currently enrolled as a first-year student in the Faculty of Education, working towards my Bachelor of Education (Pre K-5)
- Art 100: Introduction to Art
- BIO 140: Human Biology for Non-majors
- Clas 200: Greek Mythology
- EAE 201: Aesthetic Education
- ECE: Early Childhood Ed 200 Level
- ECE 106: Role of Play
- ECE 200: Teaching & Learning Pre-K to 5
- ECE 325: Experiential Learning for Young Children
- ECS100: Knowledge, Schooling & Society
- ECS 110: Self and Other
- ECS 200: Curriculum and Pedagogy 1
- ENGL 100: Literature & Composition I
- ENGL 110: Literature & Composition II
- ENGL 203: Multilingualism & the Class
- ERDG 310: Teaching Literacy for a Better World (Pre-K to Grade 8)
- ESST 310: Social Studies for Elementary School Teachers (Pre-K – Grade 8)
- FRN 100: Discovery I
- INDG 100: Intro Indigenous Studies
- KHS 139: Movement Education
- MATH 101: Introduction to Finite Math I
- RLST 100: Intro to Religious Studies
- Volunteer Experience
As my children started into school, I found myself volunteering in the classrooms, the library, and field trips. I have seen how hard the teachers work and I want to support them in any way they would let me. Volunteering with the schools gave me a sense of purpose and accomplishment that I never felt working before. I realized that I have the capability for high levels of patience and understanding, matched with the ability to nurture and care for all children, not just my own. I love to volunteer at my children’s school.
- Ecole St. Mary CSCC Director and Halloween Dance Coordinator
- Guided reading exchanges for teachers
- Volunteer during library class time to check out books and help with selecting books etc.
- Community-building events and field trips.
- Playground Committee, painting and maintaining colourful games on the blacktop.
- Help with Hampers for those in need.
- Playground committee.
Volunteering at Ecole St. Mary in the library and guided reading room.
Note Taker for:
- ECS 100 lectures.
- ECS 110 Lectures.
- EAE 200 lectures.
- EDRG 310 lectures.
- ESST 310 lectures.