Journey Towards Reconciliation

I began to really learn about and explore the history of Indigenous people of Canada when I started my Indigenous studies course earlier this year. I was shocked at how much I didn’t know! I have learned a great deal through my courses so far, and I am excited to learn more.

Because I have young children, and I plan to teach early elementary years, I chose to focus my Journey Towards Reconciliation on the children who were taken away from their homes, families, and cultures. I used the assignment as an opportunity to educate myself, and teach my children about the impact that the residential school system has had and continues to have on the lives of Indigenous people.

Journey Towards Reconciliation
Every Child Matters
Journey Towards Reconciliation
Aesthetic representation of my Journey Towards Reconciliation for my ECS 110 class.

This past fall I had the opportunity to take my Four Seasons of Reconciliation certificate online through the school I work at!

Four Seasons of Reconciliation