Nice to Meet You!

September 1, 2021 0 By Nicole Cooke

Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Nicole Cooke but I go by Nikki, I am 24 years old and am currently finishing up my last few semesters of my secondary education degree at the University of Regina! Within my degree, I am focusing on a health education major and an inclusive education minor. I was born, raised and still live here in Regina with my three dogs – Sadie the beagle (3 years old), Rosie (3 years old) and George (4 years old) who are both St. Bernard’s! When I am not studying or spending time with my dogs, I can usually be found watching movies – Disney and Harry Potter to name some of my favourites, out at Katepwa Lake, coaching basketball, listening to any and all country music and most importantly spending time with family and friends!