Teaching Manifesto

            My main beliefs of teaching all surround inclusion and inclusive education. I believe that every student/child deserves an education that is accessible and available to them. To me, the purpose of education is to support, encourage and celebrate students all while they learn tasks and information that will set them up for success later in life and help them figure out who they are as humans. I believe the purpose of learning is to better yourself and grow as a human, to figure out your personal standards, values and beliefs while becoming prepared for life in society outside of school.

            I do not think students will perform to their full potential if they do not feel welcomed, celebrated, accepted and represented within your classroom environment. Pedagogies and theories that have resonated with me include incorporating diversity and diverse ways of knowing, building relationships with students, advocating for my students and continuing to learn and grow myself. By believing in my students, ensuring they have a save, brave and healthy place to grow and constantly remind my students that they are capable of great things will allow for embracing difference. Incorporating LGBTQ+, Indigenous and other diverse ways of life into my planning and teaching will make sure I am think of all student diversity at the forefront of my planning.

            Professional growth as an educator is very important. I promise to always continue to ask questions, seek out resources, learn and grow when it comes to diverse topics. I promise to allow my students to teach me and adapt to their individual needs at that time and continue to follow up and ensure what I am doing is working for students.