A Tech Filled Life

Technology has always been a big part of my life and continues to grow more and more. I feel like being in this generation we have seen tech grow in so many ways at a very fast rate. You can use tech to find out almost anything, teach yourself anything, keep yourself organized, and so much more. For me I definitely use tech a lot for both school/work uses along with social media/entertainment purposes. As for the more social side I find myself using Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, and iMessage a lot in my day to day life. I definitely have a pretty busy life with work, school, and football; but a large amount of my free time between those is spent on those apps. As for the work and academic side of tech I find myself mostly using my email, UR Courses, google docs,  and iMessage. For the most part I feel like my tech usage is pretty balanced between work/academic pursuits and leisure/social interactions.

close up of calendar and alarm clock on the green background, planning for business meeting or travel planning concept

One thing that comes to mind when I think about tech is time management. Especially coming out of High School during Covid times and spending my first year of university online I spent a lot of time using technology and had to learn the importance of time management skills. For me my biggest focuses have been staying organized along with always having a plan. For organization I keep my phone and computer separate. My computer is only used for work and school purposes and has a specific calendar and notes app with all the information I need for both of those. I also often use my notes and calendar on my phone to help stay organized with everything but it is more football and leisure focused. For always having a plan I like to map out how my days/weeks will look. Making sure I know all my work tasks I need to get done, assignments I need to work on, and times I need to be at football. To avoid distractions I have often used a bit of a “reward” system with myself, for example if I am working on homework I will work for an hour straight then take a 10-15 minute break on my phone. I find this works well for me and creates a good balance of work and rest. The ways I have set and am used to have worked well for me so I plan on continuing with them. I also understand how tech is growing and there are so many tools to assist with organization and time management. I enjoy checking these out and trying them out whenever I have the chance and continuing to find better ways to do things.

2 thoughts on “A Tech Filled Life

  1. Oh man Noah…. what a good point. I never thought of living my whole life online like you did during covid. I am so sorry you had a major part of your univeristy experience during covid. That sucks. I remember how much I enjoyed in person education classes, the profs always made them so interactive for first year students.
    Anyways… I am the same as you. I like to have my laptop for work and school and my phone is for apps and “fun”. Then I know when I bring my laptop out that it is time to work on my laptop etc.
    I like your time management strategy. Its such a beneficial method of managing your time effectively, thanks for sharing this tip.

  2. I couldn’t agree more Noah. With having similar experiences to yourself I found I was able to strongly relate to your thoughts! I find a lot of similarities in the tools you have used to help maintain a well balanced lifestyle and to always try your best to stay on task. Keep up the great work! I know for me setting time limits on apps has always helped me, could be something you check out!

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