Have You Ever Seen a Dinosaur Eat a Donut?

To explore more of the world of coding I decided to check out the app Scratch! I have actually seen this website used within a classroom before making it very intriguing to me. during my pre-internship my cooperating teacher brought in a few representatives from the  Saskatchewan Science Centre into our grade 6/7 classroom where they were introduced to coding. They did a quick presentation on what coding is and the importance of it then guided the students through creating their own game. The students were absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to do this and were excited for free time to have more opportunity to code! seeing this really opened my eyes to how great and beneficial coding can be within classrooms!

OBack view of woman coding on computer, professional female programmer working in roomnto my experience with coding! Although I watched this being done I never actually go the chance to do it myself. This was a while ago so I really did not remember too much. I really enjoyed using Scratch, it was very user friendly and allowed me to create a cool project pretty quick and easy! There were many tutorials that you could follow along with to create whatever you wanted, but it is also pretty straight forward to the point that you could easily make a creation yourself!


I was able to create a background with two different sprites in which I was able to code both do do what I wanted from them. I was then able to make a variable to give my game a point system where the player gets one point each time they make the Dinosaur touch the donut.

I definitely find coding to be important. There are a lot of jobs in coding and I have even start to see different simple coding basics being used within company communication apps. Coding also involves a lot of simple critical thinking skills and definitely keeps you mentally involved. If all else, it is overall fun to do!

Try out my game here!

3 thoughts on “Have You Ever Seen a Dinosaur Eat a Donut?

  1. Hello Noah!

    I loved reading about your experience with Scratch! It’s fantastic that you had the chance to see coding in action during your pre-internship. It’s amazing how excited the students were to learn and create their own games. Your firsthand experience really highlights how beneficial and engaging coding can be in the classroom. Using Scratch yourself sounds like it was a lot of fun! Creating a game with a dinosaur and a donut, complete with a point system, shows how user-friendly and versatile the platform is. Coding is definitely an important skill with many applications and benefits, from job opportunities to enhancing critical thinking.

    Thanks for sharing your journey into the world of coding!

  2. Hi Noah your website is looking good! In saying that though on this particular post your introduction is very engaging and personal, which helped draw me in. It’s great to hear about your firsthand experience with coding in a classroom setting and how it inspired you to explore Scratch. I have yet to try Scratch but it seems very good.

  3. Hey Noah,
    I loved your tittle, it definitely intrigued me to read about your post. Seems like your experience went well and you enjoyed working with code. It was also cool to see an experience from a different app than I used. The set up was pretty similar to mine, but it seemed like you had a little more freedom with what you chose to do! I will have to check out Scratch and play around with it myself after reading your post.

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