It’s Already in my Head, Why Not Learn It?

A song that I am sure we all  have started hearing absolutely everywhere is A Bar Song (Tipsy) by Shaboozey. This song has absolutely blown up, which makes sense for how catchy it is. After hearing this multiple times a day I could not seem to get it out of my head. I decided I wanted to try to learn it on guitar. With a simple google search I was able to find a website called My first impression was this was a very good looking website which really sucked you in and made you want to look further. This website included Tabs, courses, songbooks, articles, forums, the option to publish tabs and the option to purchase the pro versions that opens up even more options. 

This was definitely a switch up for me from being used to learning through videos. I was happy to challenge myself in this way and force myself to do something I wasn’t as comfortable doing in reading music. To be honest I still would not say I am very comfortable with it and got lucky finding chords that I am confident with. As for now I think sticking with tutorial videos is best for my learning style. I hope to continue to improve on my skills and as that happens I get more comfortable reading music and learning that way. Overall this was definitely a great website but not the best for where I am currently at and my learning style. I would still recommend this especially to someone a bit more experienced than me. I will definitely keep this website in my back pocket and hopefully come back to it as I continue to improve.


Row of multi-colored Mexican guitarsOn another note related to my guitar journey I decided to take a trip to Long and Mcquade this week to get some guitar picks. I did not realize how many options there would be so I decided to buy myself a variety pack and try them out to see what I liked most. I took a minute to walk through the acoustic guitar section in the store. I was amazed by the variety and different shapes and kinds of guitars. A few that stood out to me that I do not think I have ever seen in person were the 12 string guitars along with the electric acoustic guitars. I took a few minutes checking out all the guitars in there and even picked up one and played a few songs with it. I was amazed with how good this guitar sounded and how much clearer the sound was compared to my guitar. As much as I fell in love with this guitar and wanted to take it with me, it was much outside my price range. If I continue learning and getting better at guitar a purchase like this could definitely be something I look into in the future!

2 thoughts on “It’s Already in my Head, Why Not Learn It?

  1. Hi Noah,
    That’s awesome! Exploring different guitar options and getting hands-on experience is super valuable as you progress in your guitar journey. It’s great that you got to try out some higher-end guitars, even if they were out of your budget for now. Keep practicing, and one day you’ll be able to treat yourself to that dream guitar you fell in love with. Enjoy the process and have fun with those new picks!

  2. Hi, Noah!
    This is a great skill to have! I’ve thinking about learning to play the acoustic guitar, too. I did give it a try with one of my late uncle’s guitars, but it was way too big for me! Couldn’t keep the thing upright, haha.
    Great song choice too.. it’s everywhere right now. If you can’t beat em, join em, right?

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