Who Are You Online?

This week I decided to cybersleuth Dylan McCabe. I spent time googling his name and looking through social media accounts that I could find to see all the information I could track down on Dylan. 

Me and Dylan have both had similar experiences in being heavily involved in sports throughout our life. This definitely takes a big part of online presence whether it be different rosters or articles about teams from now all the way to teams from elementary school/high school. I quickly found out that the name Dylan McCabe is popular among athletes including baseball players, lacrosse players, golfers, and soccer players from all over Northern America. To avoid this I added tha tag “Regina” to the end but was still only shown sports related links. Other than sports related websites, the only other thing that popped up for Dylan was social media accounts including instagram, facebook, and X. Quickly going through these it was obvious that Dylan has not used his facebook or X for a long time and even when he did, he did not often post on either. Instagram he definitely still uses often in which he shares photos of himself with friends and family. Other than this I really was not able to find much more on Dylan.

Social Media Brand Identity

Overall Dylan definitely has an overall positive digital Identity. Mainly highlighting his high level sports accomplishments along with showing friends and family throughout his social media platforms. As for suggestions for Dylan, my first one would be to keep it up! After spending time looking everywhere I could I was not able to find anything negative which is definitely a great start. One suggestion I have that I also want to challenge myself with is putting out more than sports into the digital world. This would include having information about my schooling/teaching journey, jobs and different volunteering I have done. It is definitely great to see all the sports accomplishments but we are so much more than just athletes so it is important to show that off when we can!

More Related to Digital Identity 

A reading that really stood out to me was Split Image by Kate Fagan. It was the story of a college students named Madison who put out a very positive digital identity but was dealing with many personal issues which brought her to eventually committing suicide. This was a great read and really shows you the truth on how we put our best image out on social media even though we can be going through unimaginable struggles within our everyday lives. This is a reminder to not always believe what we see online and the importance of checking in on our friends no matter how good it might seem like they are doing. 

Another great resource was the video “How One Tweet Can Ruin Your Life| Jon Ronson” posted by TED.This is a great video that highlights social media giving “a voice to the voiceless” which can be a good and a bad thing. A good reminder that the internet is forever and we have the option to put out a positive or negative image of ourselves so make sure we take time to think before pressing post.

One thought on “Who Are You Online?

  1. Hey Noah! Seems like you did a great job trying to find information about Dylan. I have noticed many people seem to be in the same situation as Dylan when it comes to their online presence of being mostly sports related, I was the same way. I think your advice to Dylan is great in that keeping up the positive presence and trying to add more positive non-sport-related work to it is a great idea!

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