About Me!

Hello! My name is Noah Pelletier, I am a fourth year students at the University of Regina within the Saskatchewan Urban Native Teachers Education Program. SUNTEP is an elementary level program focusing on training future educators to be sensitive to the individual needs of Indigenous students and all students.

I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to be a pre-service teacher. I have been very passionate about becoming a teacher for a long time and have come a long way in my journey. The creative minds of students has always intrigued me and excites me to not only assist in their learning process but also to learn so much from them. Through my pre-internships along with my job as a special education assistant with Regina Public Schools, I have been able to be a part of many different classrooms. All these experiences have been amazing and make me even more excited to have my own classroom in the near future.

Other than teaching another passion of mine has been sports. For as long as I can remember I have always loved sports and have at least tried out almost every sports. Although I have greatly enjoyed every sport I have had the opportunity to play, one that has always stuck out to me is football. I have been playing football for 15+ years now and it has given me countless teachings, friendships, opportunities and memories. Since beginning within Regina youth flag and Regina minor football I have also had the amazing opportunities to play for Balfour Collegiate, team Saskatchewan three times, team Canada twice, the University of Regina Rams and even had the opportunity to spend some time with the Saskatchewan Roughriders. I plan to continue to play and coach football for as long as I can.

Being a part of a younger generation I definitely feel like technology has been a big part of my life. You do not really realize how helpful technology can be and how much it has truly taught you until you take a second to sit back and really think about it. Throughout my education journey I have been introduced to so many different types of educational technologies that have made learning much more simple and engaging. The world of Ed Tech is truly endless and I strive to continue to learn more and more about what is all out there.

Blogging is something that is new to me, but I am excited to have the chance to do it. In the past I have had some simple e-portfolios but nothing to this extent. To be honest it has already been a bit of a challenge but I am always happy to take on new learning experiences. I feel like we got a good base of everything we need to know and there is a lot of opportunity to explore and learn on your own. I know I always have my professor and classmates there for me if I need assistance with my blog which is a great feeling. I am excited to keep adding to my blog along with reading and commenting on others throughout this course.

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