Introduction to my Learning Project

Music has been one of those things that I have always been very interested in but never seemed to be very good at. I have attempted many different instruments throughout my life including guitar, piano, drums, trumpet, and more. Looking back I never seemed to be able to stick with it for more then a few months. Music background

When I originally heard about this project my mind quickly went to playing guitar. I have some minor past experiences with guitar that never turned out too well. That being said, I am hoping this one might turn out a lot better. I first found interest in guitar when I was in grade 6. I got a guitar as a Christmas gift and began some one on one lessons once a week. I was able to pick up some simple songs but was easily frustrated by the more challenging songs. This led me to stop playing after only a few months. The next time I picked up my guitar was in high school during Covid. Obviously being locked up and not having much to do I wanted to try something new out and already having a guitar I thought it would be a good idea. This again went pretty well at the start but I slowly started playing less and less until I no longer picked it up after a month or two. Fast forward to now I am pretty much starting from the beginning, I do know simple things like how to tune a guitar and a few basic notes but can not play any songs at the moment. Overall I am excited to get back into this, I am going into it with confidence and excitement to challenge myself. I know I am going to be able to find a lot of great resources to learn from and grow within this journey.

Acoustic guitar playing. A man playing an acoustic guitar.

Now looking at how I am going to go about this. I have the hardest part done in having a guitar available for me to play, now it’s looking at finding resources I will be able to learn from along with time to practice. As for time, I definitely have a busy schedule with work, training for football, and school. Having a bit of a background with playing I know that just a small amount of time a few days a week can go a long way. I plan to for sure set time aside Thursday nights along with weekends to find resources and practice along with using any small breaks I find throughout my week. For resources I have already started some research and found a lot to chose from. Just some of the many incredible techs I will use include Youtube, TikTok, iPhone apps, websites, online coaches, and so much more. I plan to begin with some simple songs and continue to challenge myself more and more to see how far I can go. I am excited to continue to find teaching resources and begin this process that I hope sticks long after I complete this class!

4 thoughts on “Introduction to my Learning Project

  1. Hello Noah, I am looking forward to watching your progression throughout this learning project. I relate to your post in so many ways as I too received a guitar for Christmas and took one-on-one lessons in my childhood. However, my guitar teacher never really taught me what chords were and just strictly used tabs with me. I lost interest in the guitar after a couple of months and then quit playing. Since then, I have dabbled with it here and there and have done a lot of self-teaching through YouTube videos. I know a lot of intros to songs but never learn past the intros. I highly recommend checking out Marty Music on YouTube – He has many beginner tutorials and a large library of songs posted on his channel. Throughout his videos, he gives very detailed instructions by teaching/demonstrating the chords to songs as well as the strumming and picking patterns in songs. These details I find are crucial when you’re in the beginning stages of learning how to play. If you check him out, let me know what you think!

    Best of luck with this learning journey, you got this!

    • Hey Brittany,

      Thank you for the comment! It is nice to know someone had a similar experience as me and can understand where I am coming from. I had some time to check out Marty Music and he is defiantly an awesome resource. I will for sure use him often throughout this project. Thanks again!

  2. Hi Noah! Learning guitar can be such a rewarding journey! It’s like unlocking a whole new language, with chords and melodies as your vocabulary. Music is such a great way to express yourself! I am glad you decided to get back into learning how to play the guitar! I am looking forward to seeing your progress throughout this journey! Good luck!

  3. Sounds like a blast Noah! I am sure your journey is going to be fantastic! cannot wait to see your progression! Music is so intriguing and I am sure you are going to learn lots along the way!

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